The Alpha Choice


Humanity faces a galactic Trojan Horse

The Te have their minds set on Earth. It will be a perfect holiday home once the locals (us) are eliminated and the atmosphere and oceans are cleaned up.
There is just one problem: a Custodian – an immensely powerful being who can take any form it chooses but defaults to a glowing ball of electric blue light. The Custodian imposed upon the Te a limitation. Break it and face species-wide annihilation.
The answer? Trick us into believing the Te are our best friends; persuade us to sign up to a fictitious confederation of planets, and there we have it ... the best seafront property this side of the Galactic Arm.
Any reprieve? Perhaps. Some Te’ans do not agree with their species’ endless galactic expansion of the last three thousand years ... they already have a plan ... but someone has another plan to scupper their plan!

What readers have said:

★★★★★ Left me wanting more. Highly recommended reading for anyone who is a sci-fi buff – Amazon review
★★★★★ Well worth reading, an enjoyable adventure dealing with another world’s humans who seem to enjoy or not our traits, all the while playing us falsely. I can’t wait until number two and then three. Of course, I guess we all will have to – Amazon review
Brilliant! This is an excellent novel which should appeal to a wide audience. – Amazon review
★★★★★ I really liked the way the author developed his various storylines and plot twist. From alien worlds and space battles to first contact on earth the author kept me guessing who the good guys were and who the bad guys were until the end of the book – Amazon review
★★★★★ Being a fan of both sci-fi and the murky world of political thrillers, this was a book that ticked all the boxes for me. A numerous and complex cast of characters weave into a plot filled with nuance, espionage, scheming- something that lends an edge of hard realism and elevates the story beyond many ‘first contact’ novels. While some elements are undoubtedly fantastical, they are tempered by the fact that this reads very much as a mystery/political thriller.
Highly recommended to anybody looking for a mystery to unravel and a good yarn. One of those enjoyable sci-fi books that appeals cross-genre.
Here are the beginnings of a promising space epic series. Watch this space – Amazon review
★★★★★ The Alpha Choice” by M.D. Hall is incredibly addictive science fiction with implemented thrilling political plots. The story is multidimensional and rich in details. Descriptions are colorful and extremely visual, and so in my imagination I could perfectly reproduce the worlds created the writer. It is an amazing gallery of fantastically clever designed characters.
The story develops, complicates and it hits you as a lightning bolt. There is no time for boredom or apathy. The gradually increasing thrill, sudden and often twists and turns fueling our curiosity. It is difficult to predict what the author will surprise us with on the following pages. The style is unique, interesting and smooth in read – Amazon review
Brilliant! This is an excellent novel which should appeal to a wide audience. – Amazon review