With seven books published and an eighth soon to be released, M.D. Hall writes in three genres: historical novels, award-winning ghost and supernatural short stories, and science fiction.
The Mystery and Misadventure short story series has won many awards and comprises three collections: the first comprises seven stories, and each of the others – Old Acquaintance and Reunion – comprises thirteen. He has collected all three volumes in a single volume, Collection.
In March 2025, Rogue Memories will be published. That volume is both different and not to the others: it pulls together several stories from the earlier volumes rewritten as they were originally meant to appear and adds new bonding chapters.
Samuel Prite is a constant, and his arc encompasses the entire series. As the thirty-three original stories progressed, it became clear that some characters had a link to him. For the standalone stories, some linking features needed to be removed. For Rogue Memories, they have been reinstated, and the reason for some of the strange happenings becomes clearer. By the end of that book, you, the reader, will appreciate the direction of future stories.
A fifth collection of brand-new stories will appear before the end of 2025.
The historical novel Ring of Lapis is based in the region where M.D. Hall lives in northeast England, four miles south of Hadrian's Wall. His fascination with the Roman Wall began when he was thirteen and visited the Roman town of Coria (Corbridge) with his school. The novel lauds the influence and power of the women of that time, both the wife of the emperor, Julia Domna, and the wives of the two prominent northern chieftains of the tribes north of the wall, Adela and Aife – their names are taken from fifth-century Ireland as the northern tribes didn't record any history.
There will be a prequel and sequel to Ring of Lapis.
The science fiction novel The Alpha Choice is the first of a trilogy and is a Trojan Horse story with a twist ... well, several twists. The book defies pigeonholing: it has elements of military science fiction but does not have many battles; it is not space-opera, despite involving interstellar travel and one larger-than-life character. At its heart, it is a political thriller with fast, shiny things.
The second volume is underway and explores, amongst other things, dreams and the deliberately under-used Nopa from Alpha – they are a revelation. Who says that a highly advanced extra-terrestrial race must behave as if cut from marble, and even if they are that way inclined, there cannot be one rebel? Such a rebel exists and is fighting to burst from the page and break a pencil or two.
The Journey of Rin is the first of three spin-off novellas linked to The Alpha Choice. The link is to the arachnid race in the first chapter of Alpha.
With seven books published and an eighth soon to be released, M.D. Hall writes in three genres: historical novels, award-winning ghost and supernatural short stories, and science fiction.
The Mystery and Misadventure short story series has won many awards and comprises three collections: the first comprises seven stories, and each of the others – Old Acquaintance and Reunion – comprises thirteen. He has collected all three volumes in a...